objetivo é a realização de uma mostra de arte contemporânea na cidade de
Guimarães, na sede da Associação Artística Vimaranense, em colaboração com a
Galeria Vieira Portuense, com regulamento e júri de admissão a divulgar
aberto o prazo para receção das obras a concurso de admissão, de que devem deve
ser enviadas fotografia digital e descrição de tamanho e materiais, com
biografia do autor, com o máximo de 1500 caracteres, incluindo espaços, com
ficheiros anexos à mensagem principal, para asmavg@gmail.com.
The goal is the creation of a contemporary art exhibition in the city of Guimarães. The exhibition will take place in the headquarters of the Associação Artística Vimaranense in collaboration with the Vieira Portuense Gallery. The rules and jury will be announced soon.
It is already opened the deadline for submission of the works of art for evaluation, of which must be sent a digital picture and the description of its materials and size. The artist’s biography (with a maximum of 1500 characters) must also be sent to asmavg@gmail.com along with the details mentioned above, as an attachment of the main message.
It is already opened the deadline for submission of the works of art for evaluation, of which must be sent a digital picture and the description of its materials and size. The artist’s biography (with a maximum of 1500 characters) must also be sent to asmavg@gmail.com along with the details mentioned above, as an attachment of the main message.